The USPTO today announced that two Federal Register Notices will be issued on June 6. The first notice changes the effective date of the Non-DOCX filing fee to January 17, 2024. The USPTO states in the notice:
The effective date of this new fee was most recently delayed in a final rule published in the Federal Register on March 27, 2023 and was scheduled to become effective on June 30, 2023. Through this final rule, the USPTO is delaying the effective date of this fee until January 17, 2024.
The second notice extends, indefinitely, the option to file an applicant-generated PDF version of an application along with the DOCX version in Patent Center. The notice states:
The option to submit an applicant-generated PDF of a patent application along with the validated DOCX file(s) when filing an application in Patent Center…is being extended until further notice.
Element IP will continue to keep you informed of developments in the USPTO’s implementation of DOCX filing.

by Element IP
Element IP is a premier boutique intellectual property law firm. Created specifically to service the needs of users of the US patent system, our firm combines extensive experience in patent procurement, counselling, licensing, post-grant proceedings, and litigation with innovative technology and staffing solutions to provide clients with high quality work product in a cost-effective and efficient manner.