When faced with a limitation involving an open-ended numerical range, an examiner will not only analyze for definiteness under 35 U.S.C. § 112(b) but also scrutinize
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Ratios can be useful when claiming a subset of two well-known components or variables, particularly when the subset (defined by a ratio) provides a new and
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In an anticipation rejection, every element and limitation of the claimed invention must be found in a single prior art reference, arranged as in the claim.
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Ex parte Yim, is a recent decision of the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) addressing whether claimed properties were inherent in prior art compositions. In
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In February, the Federal Circuit issued a decision in Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. v. Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd. concerning the obviousness of a chemical compound. Perhaps the most
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A conclusion of obviousness requires that a skilled artisan would have had a reason to combine the teachings of the prior art references to achieve the
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In Ex parte Hassler (Appeal 2020-001367), the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (“Board”) considered Appellant’s two arguments rebutting the Examiner’s obviousness rejection based on the combination
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Chemical compounds in patent claims often include variables representing different possible substituent groups. For example, a chemical formula may include a variable R1 representing a hydrogen
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Intervening rights address the impact on third parties when a patentee makes substantive changes to the scope of patent claims in a post-grant proceeding (reissue, reexamination,
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In January of this year we reported on the Federal Circuit decision Donner Technology, LLC v. Pro Stage Gear, LLC, (link here) where the court clarified
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